Meet a Few of Our Young Leaders!
Hear their stories of YLI’s impact and how it has changed their lives.

“Being a part of YLI has given me the hope to believe that as a first generation Cape-Verdean college student-- I too matter. Not only is my voice being heard, but I am being given the opportunity and resources to effect change. This is what YLI has done for me.”
Kassandra, Bridgewater State University

“I just wanted to thank you for the opportunity to lobby with the Young Leaders Institute! I feel as if I picked up skills and made connections that will last my entire professional career.”
Rob, President of University of Richmond College Democrats

“I had the pleasure of…first becoming acquainted with…Young Leaders Institute in the Summer of 2017… I was impressed to say the least. I [saw]…Nadia and Young Leaders Institute at work later in the summer when we lobbied on Capitol Hill together…. I am so excited to work with Young Leaders Institute in the future. We have work to do.”
Jeremy, Virginia Tech